Getting a complete eye exam is the best way to screen for glaucoma. At your visit, a technician will check your vision and eye pressure. If appropriate, eyedrops will be applied to dilate the pupil. Your doctor will examine the health of the optic nerve and the anatomy of the eye. A special lens may be used to examine the front part of your eye.
If your pressure is high and/or there are signs of optic nerve damage, further testing will be ordered. Visual field testing helps create a map of your vision to evaluate for any missing areas. OCT scans are used to further evaluate the structure of the optic nerve. Both tests are painless, are done in the office and usually are covered by insurance. These results are used to diagnose and stage glaucoma, and help determine the best course of treatment for your unique eyes and lifestyle.
3030 University Drive East Suite 100
College Station TX 77845